Since the beginning of the 1990s, the management of PC "MSTATOR" has been trying to open up new horizons for the enterprise, which became possible only under the system of a market economy. Over time, the phrase "Opening new horizons" became a credo for the plant.
"Opening new horizons"
As a result of tireless efforts to find new sales markets and new products in demand by the consumer, business contacts that have appeared over the past decade with partners from all over the world have emerged. Despite the constantly increasing rates of production, the MSTATOR plant managed to maintain the traditionally high quality of its products - a quality that was taken for granted for all products of the Soviet and then Russian aerospace complex.
The people who led MSTATOR during the reorganization period of the early nineties are now trying to bring their plant to a new level by establishing and developing new business contacts, as well as further improving the technological process.
Life in motion! We must move. If we move, we will also develop, otherwise there will be no development.
Sergey Pavlov
General Director of PC "MSTATOR"
The administration of the enterprise is trying to keep its finger on the pulse of all events without exception taking place at the plant and around it - from technological issues to the signing of new contracts. These people are real enthusiasts and see the success of the enterprise as their main goal.
All products of the enterprise have passed the necessary certification and comply with modern European and North American standards.
Factory today
- The production facilities consist of several buildings;
- The company employs over 250 people;
- More than 800 regular customers;
- Three main directions of product sales: Russian commercial and Export markets;
- Constant expansion of the manufactured range of electromagnetic components (magnetic circuits, chokes, transformers);
- Possibility of manufacturing according to the client's specifications;
- Active participation in scientific and exhibition activities (ExpoElectronica, ChipExpo, Power Electronics, ARMY forum).

A friendly team is the key to successful work