Component Libraries for CAD
Library of electronic components produced by MSTATOR for CAD: Altium Designer. 3D component models also added.
- Micro chokes
- Impulse transformers
- Impulse transformers (open version)
- Pulse transformer modules
- Transformer module for Ethernet
Calculator programs for transformers and chokes
Download magnetic core calculators (English version)
A set of programs for the computer-aided design of transformers and chokes based on cores made of amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys by MSTATOR.
(saved to the archive ".7z" - if not opened, then install the archiver with the official site).
Program interface for calculation
electromagnetic components based on cores
Programs have built-in help.
For transformers:
- Calc_SMPS_Transformer – calculation of a push-pull converter transformer
- ForwardMST – calculation of the forward converter transformer
- FlybackMSC – calculation of flyback converter transformer
Для дросселей:
- InductorMSC – calculation of output chokes
- MagAmp-MSS – calculation of inductors of magnetic amplifiers
- PFC-Inductor – calculation of the power factor corrector choke
- SpikeKiller – calculation of interference suppression chokes
- CommonModeChoke-MSF – calculation of common mode filter chokes
Specifications (extract, Russian):
cores КВШУ.684459.089 ТУ (MSCN series)
cores КВШУ.684459.090 ТУ (MSTN series)
cores КВШУ.684459.091 ТУ (MSTAN series)
cores КВШУ.684459.092 ТУ (MSF series)
cores КВШУ.684459.093 ТУ (MSFN series)
Programs allow you to reduce time, simplify and refine your design. The user selects a series of magnetic cores, sets the initial data and presses the auto-select button. The software selects a suitable core (in terms of minimum size and cost) and designs the component. The program calculates a large number of options and chooses the best. However, in practice, the optimization criteria for each specific user may be different. For one it is the price, for the other the size, for the third minimal losses, for the fourth a wide temperature range, for the fifth the constructive convenience of winding, the use of the existing magnetic circuit and wires, etc.
To solve these problems, most programs have an "Optimization" group. Here, by changing within small limits the data obtained as a result of automatic design, the user can optimize and refine the project in relation to individual specific requirements.
In the database of all programs, the data of the domestic wire of the PET-155 brand were used. There may be minor differences for other brands. The calculation of the winding resistance is carried out for domestic wires. For imported wires (AWG), the actual winding resistance values can be significantly higher. When assessing the dimensions of the winding products and the length of the wires of the windings, an approximate algorithm was used, developed on the basis of experimental data. Actual values depend on the skill of a particular worker who is entrusted with the manufacture of the component and may differ significantly from the calculated ones.
Stages of program development
10.11.13 The calculator programs have been updated. The program database has been refined, a new MST series has been added for the forward converter and push-pull converter, the MSB series has been added to the database for multi-turn interference suppression chokes, and the noticed errors have been fixed.
26.12.16 The database of the forward-converter and push-pull converter programs was updated with an extension of the frequency range (from 5 kHz to 1 MHz).
31.10.19 The program for calculating the output chokes has been updated. 4 series of magnetic cores are supported: MSC, MSC-G (from AMAG 200C), APH, MSCN-TH. The user can compare the options for implementing the project on different series and choose the best option. The frequency range is expanded: from 10 kHz to 1 MHz.
12.05.20 Comprehensive software update:
- Added programs for calculating the power factor corrector choke and flyback converter transformer. There are 8 programs in total.
- The number of used series of magnetic cores has been expanded. New series of tape magnetic cores have been added: MSCN, MSC-NGA, MSC-NGN and flux-cored magnetic cores AWP, AVR with different permeability. There are 22 series of magnetic circuits in total.
- The database has been adjusted in accordance with the changed specifications.
- A common program has been created - the Design Center shell.
- Fixed bugs in programs.
- The frequency range is expanded.
- An English version of the Design Center has been created, which provides for the use of AWG wires.
28.07.21 Added libraries for developers of electronic components produced by MSTATOR for CAD - ALtium Designer. There are also 3D models.
We would be grateful for your feedback and critical comments to help us improve these programs. Please also inform us what additional technical information (dependency graphs, tabular data, etc.) you need for calculations. We will take into account your wishes when adding to the site.
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