Magnetic measuring device "B-H analyzer MS-03"


Magnetic measuring device "B-H analyzer MS-03" for electromagnetic parameters measuring of the dynamic hysteresis loop of magnetic cores and samples of soft magnetic materials at frequencies from 10 Hz to 1 MHz in research and production (express) modes.

The objects of measurement are samples (magnetic cores) of toroidal, rectangular, oval, Ш-shaped, armor and other shapes with a closed middle line made of electrical steels, amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys, permalloy, ferrites, magnetodielectrics and other soft magnetic materials

The principle of operation of the magnetic measuring device "B-H analyzer MS-03" is based on the formation in a circuit consisting of a magnetizing winding of a magnetic core with a shunt connected in series – a current sensor, EMF of sinusoidal or rectangular shape, measuring instantaneous values of current in the magnetizing circuit and EMF on the measuring winding, obtaining a waveform proportional to the magnetic flux, with the subsequent calculation of the magnetic characteristics of the magnetic core.




The installation is based on the Digitizing method, which is used to study the parameters of the hysteresis loop of soft magnetic materials at high excitation levels in accordance with the international standard IEC 62044-3 (2000).


Device complies with regulations ТР ТС 004/2011, ТР ТС 020/2011.

Registration number: ТР ТС № RU Д-RU.OM02.B.14217.

Certificate of conformity ТР ТС: RU C-RU.АЛ16.В.28562

The device is included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation. Registration number 66639-17.



Installation magneto-measuring "B-H analyzer MS-03" consists of a set of instruments under the control of an instrumental computer. The device is produced in different modifications depending on the requirements of the Customer. Modifications differ in the power amplifier model, and, accordingly, the presence / absence of an express connecting device and a discrete input-output module.



The devices are equipped with special software that runs under Windows XP and higher versions.

The software is designed to control the operation of the installation and provides input of initial data, selection of measurement modes, control of the measurement process, sorting of magnetic cores according to specified parameter limits, processing, storage, presentation of the results obtained in the form of graphs, tables and protocols, output of measurement results on a computer screen, and to external devices.

The software can be launched in a research (extended) or production (express) version, which differs in the operator's access level to the settings and the degree of automation. The first is used for accurate measurements of the parameters of individual samples with the application of optimal measuring windings. The second one - in the conditions of mass production for the control and sorting of large batches of the same type of magnetic cores without applying measuring windings with automatic start of calculations by the product installation sensor. The minimum time for measuring the parameters of one product in production mode, including installation and removal, is no more than 1.5 sec.

The software archives the parameters of the tested products with the setting of the file size limitation. The measurement database is available from Microsoft Office applications (MS Excel, MS Access). The software automatically saves data on the date, the number of tested products of each name, the number of good and rejected ones.


Program interface




Metrological characteristics

Measurement method


Range of setting the frequency of the magnetizing signal f, Hz
(Диапазон установки частоты намагничивающего сигнала f, Гц)

Limits of permissible relative error of setting the frequency of the magnetizing signal, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности установки частоты намагничивающего сигнала, %)

from 50 to 1·106 inclusive


Form of magnetizing signal
(Форма намагничивающего сигнала)

Sinusoidal (for amplifier КВШУ.469118.002)

Sinusoidal and rectangular (for SY-5001, SY-5002)

Measurement range of the effective value of the voltage in the magnetizing winding, V
(Диапазон измерения действующего значения напряжения в обмотке намагничивания, В)

Limits of permissible relative error in measuring the effective voltage value in the magnetizing winding, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерения действующего значения напряжения в обмотке намагничивания, %)

form 0.05 to 107.0 inclusive


Measurement range of the effective value of the current in the magnetizing winding, A
(Диапазон измерения действующего значения тока в обмотке намагничивания, А)

Limits of the permissible relative error of measuring the effective value of the current in the magnetizing winding, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерения действующего значения тока в обмотке намагничивания, %)

from 0.005 to 3.5 inclusive


Measurement range of the amplitude of the magnetic field strength Hm, A/m
(Диапазон измерений амплитуды напряженности магнитного поля Hm, А/м)

Limits of permissible relative error in measuring the amplitude of the magnetic field strength,%
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений амплитуды напряженности магнитного поля, %)

from 1 to 1 000 inclusive


Measurement range of the amplitude of magnetic induction Bm and residual induction Br, T
(Диапазон измерений амплитуды магнитной индукции Вm и остаточной индукции Br, Тл)

Limits of permissible relative error of measurements of the amplitude of magnetic induction and residual induction, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений амплитуды магнитной индукции и остаточной индукции, %)

from 0,05 to 2,40 inclusive


Measurement range of double magnetic flux 2Fm, μWb
(Диапазон измерений двойного магнитного потока 2Фm, мкВб)

Limits of permissible relative error of double magnetic flux measurements, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений двойного магнитного потока, %)

from 1 to 1 000 inclusive


Measurement range of relative amplitude magnetic permeability mа (PERM)
(Диапазон измерений относительной амплитудной магнитной проницаемости mа (PERM))

Limits of permissible relative measurement error of relative amplitude magnetic permeability, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений относительной амплитудной магнитной проницаемости, %)

from 50 to 500 000 inclusive


Measurement range of squareness coefficient Br / Bm
(Диапазон измерений коэффициента прямоугольности Вr/Bm)

Limits of permissible relative error of squareness coefficient measurements, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений коэффициента прямоугольности, %)

from 0.05 to 1.00 inclusive


Measurement range of coercive force by induction Нс, А/m
(Диапазон измерений коэрцитивной силы по индукции Нс, А/м)

Limits of the permissible relative error of measurements of the coercive force by induction, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений коэрцитивной силы по индукции, %)

from 5 to 1 000 inclusive


Measurement range of power of magnetic losses Рс, W
(Диапазон измерений мощности магнитных потерь Рс, Вт)

Limits of permissible relative error of measurements of the power of magnetic losses Pc, power of specific magnetic losses Pcm, power of volumetric magnetic losses Pcv in the frequency range from 50 Hz to 500 kHz inclusive, %
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений мощности магнитных потерь Pc, мощности удельных магнитных потерь Рcm , мощности объемных магнитных потерь Рсv в диапазоне частот от 50 Гц до 500 кГц включ., %)

from 0.01 to 50.00 inclusive



Measurement range of the signal harmonic distortion factor in the magnetizing winding, %
(Диапазон измерений коэффициента нелинейных искажений сигнала в обмотке намагничивания, %)

Limits of permissible relative error of measurements of the nonlinear distortion coefficient of the magnetizing signal
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений коэффициента нелинейных искажений сигнала намагничивания)

from 0 to 100

not standardized

Measurement range of phase angle between current and voltage in the magnetizing winding, °
(Диапазон измерений угла сдвига фаз между током и напряжением в обмотке намагничивания, °)

Limits of permissible relative error of phase angle measurements
(Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности измерений угла сдвига фаз)

from -180 to +180

not standardized


Measuring instrument completeness





Monoblock instrumental computer


  1 pc

As agreed with the Customer

Low-frequency signal generator


1 pc

Possible replacement for a generator with similar Metrological characteristics

Dual-channel digital storage oscilloscope




1 pc


Power amplifier specialized

КВШУ.469118.002 (MSTATOR)


SY-5002 (PMK, Germany)


SY-5001 (PMK, Germany)

1 pc

Model selection by agreement with the Customer

Universal measuring connecting device 


1 pc


Express connecting device


1 pc

Completed by agreement with the Customer

Discrete input-output module


1 pc

Only in the version with the  amplifier КВШУ.469118.002

Completed by agreement with the Customer


B-N analyzer MS-03

1 pc

Version or higher.
Distribution on PC hard drive

Manual for Installation magneto-measuring "B-H analyzer MS-03"

411734.002 РЭ

1 pc


Set of cables and contactors


1 pc


Sample control


2 pc


Note - The printer is completed by the Customer.


Main technical characteristics

Description of characteristics


Power supply parameters:

- AC voltage, V

- AC frequency, Hz


220 ± 22

50 ± 1

Power consumption, VA, no more


Overall dimensions (width × depth × height), mm, no more:

- generator

- oscilloscope

- universal connecting device





Weight, kg, no more:

- generator

- oscilloscope

- universal connecting device





Operating conditions:

- operating temperature range, °С

- relative air humidity (t = 25 °C),%, no more

- atmospheric pressure, kPa


от 5 до 40


от 84,0 до 106,7

Guarantee period

18 мес.

Average service life, not less

10 лет


Power amplifiers

(At the option of the Customer)










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Delivery is temporarily unavailable!


Frequency Range (Small Signal)

50 Hz - 1 MHz

DC - 7 MHz

DC - 5 MHz

Slew rate of output voltage

150 V / μs

450 V / μs

750 V / μs

Output voltage (peak)

± 23 V (f 300 kHz)

± 75 V (f 900 kHz)

± 32 V (f 2 MHz)


± 150 V (f 600 kHz)

± 75 V (f 1.4 MHz)

Output current (peak)

± 5 A (f 300 kHz)

± 6 A (f > 10Hz, U ±37.5 V)

± 5 A (f > 10Hz, U ±75 V)

± 10 A (f > 10 Hz, U ±75 V)

± 5 A (f > 10Hz, U ±150 V)

Output impedance

150 mΩ

50 mΩ

30 mΩ

Test voltage waveform






Input impedance

1 kΩ

50 Ω

50 Ω

Current stabilization function (express control)





480×140×350 mm

449×133×436 mm

449×178×436 mm


12 kg

14 kg

19 kg


Type approval certificate

Type Description

E-mail inquiries:, тел: +7 (81664) 90226.